family circus

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Run Mommy, Run!

“If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good!”
-Dr. Seuss

I always said I want to be one of those people. You know, those people you see out running everyday. “That’s dedication,” I always thought to myself. I want to be like them! So earlier this summer I started jogging. Actually, I’m not even sure if we can call it jogging. I was S-L-O-W. But, everyone has to start somewhere.

So I started. At first it was pretty easy. Especially when my Mom was here visiting. She would stay at home with Clare and Elise while I would go out in an effort to break a sweat. And sweat I did. Holy moly was it hot. I picked a great summer to start jogging. I was also able to get out when Tim’s schedule allowed. Now, I love my girls, but part of my motivation to go the “extra mile” (I shot for 4-5 miles a day) is that I get that much more time to myself. 

When all else fails (unfortunately my Mom doesn’t want to move in with us, and the schedule for a first year intern is brutal) I stick the girls in my Cadillac of a stroller (the City Mini GT Double Stroller) plug in the earphones and off we go. Usually the girls fall asleep.  If not, at least they get some fresh air and a change of scenery.

The best part is, even if there’s a little fussing I can keep going. Because 1.) They are fine, strapped in, diapers checked and with full bellies and 2.) I have my music going so it doesn’t bother me (typically crying gives me a heartache, like actual physical felling of heartache, didn’t even know that was possible till I became a mother).

Now, now, don’t worry. I am a very safe stroller driver. I don’t turn my music up so loud that I can’t hear traffic, or the babies. It’s more like background music. I also find this to be a good exercise in teaching the girls a little patience. Most of my day is all about them, so I think it’s good to start now practicing activities that may not be all that interesting for them, but fun for mommy. Cause when mommy is happy she’s more like to keep everyone else happy too! A win-win.

A couple of weeks ago Tim and I were invited to a gumbo porch party. Hosted by some new friends of ours. Somehow, the topic of running came up and before I knew it I had pretty much volunteered to be a part of a two-man team in a half marathon relay.

Could I do it? I wasn’t really sure. The very next morning I was in my running gear ready to train on the 6.55 mile course in a historic cemetery. Which was somewhat fitting because I felt a little like death after indulging to much gumbo and wine. We walked almost half of the course that morning. But, I was still proud of myself for making the effort. Plus Erin and Tatiana are so much fun to hang out with!

One-week later: race day. The good thing about short notice is there is no time to back-out or freak-out. And luckily the ladies I was running with are amazingly supportive, so there was no pressure. I thought if I have to walk, no big deal. If I finish last, it’s okay, at least I even attempted.

My race partner Tatiana ran the first leg. I really had no idea when to expect her to finish, but surprisingly I was not that nervous waiting. About 45 minutes into the race the MC was telling all the second leg runners to get to the start line. What? 45 minutes? Why so soon? Well apparently, that’s not that soon. And the runners started coming in. Tatiana was full steam ahead before I was even stretched out. I really did plan on stretching out. Everyone else was doing it and it looked like a good idea. But I also didn’t want to give anyone the impression that I was a serious runner. Ha.

So here comes Tatiana at 1:06, and we high five, then I’m off.  Right off the bat, I’m feeling good! I was surprised. Usually, I have a hard time with the first mile and don’t really catch my stride until about 2 miles in to my jog. I had planned on walking when I needed to, the course has some pretty steep hills. I powered through them, afraid that if I started to walk I would not pick my pace up again. So I ran, and ran and ran. 

I was having fun! People were cheering at different points in the course and fellow runners and I were exchanging high fives and thumbs up. About 2 ½ miles in I got caught up with a pack of about 3 other runners. One lady was about my age. She looked like one of those people I mentioned at the beginning of this story. One of those “dedicated” people. She had a graceful stride, bouncing ponytail and a GREAT running outfit. I want to be like her! Follow her, I thought. Another of the pack was a man in his late 20’s or early 30’s. Very fit and he seemed to know what he was doing. I thought, okay, if I can keep up with these two I might actually do pretty well. The last person in the pack was my inspiration. He might have been 75 or so. He was a machine. Umm, okay, if he can do this (although he has probably been training and running races for years), I can do this too. No excuses now.

I kept with the pack for probably a half-mile. Then I started to fall behind. Oh, okay. They’ve been training. No big deal. I’ll do better next time.

And then! I caught a burst of energy. Maybe it was the Gatorade handed off by one of the very sweet volunteers? I don’t know. But whatever it was, it felt great. I picked up my pace. Alas, I caught back up with my pack. By mile 4, I was back in the game. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I started to think about my time. Granted I don’t really have a competitive bone in my body, but what the heck. I should give it 100%.

I PASSED my pack! Couldn’t believe it. I owe some of that speed to the down hill grade that were in miles 5 and 6, but nevertheless I was on fire.

Long story short, I finished my leg in about 1 hour and 14 minutes. I can’t wait to do it again. I’ve got the running bug now. My sister Jamie and I are planning on running a half marathon in November.

It turns out Dr. Seuss was correct again when he wrote: “If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good!”.


  1. Fun runs are addictive hey! So pleased for you! You're an inspiration. I haven't been able to run since the knee surgery- hopefully not far off! If a mum of twins has time- I have time.
    Love to you, Tim and the girls

    1. Addictive indeed! I am already planning on signing up for 3 more between now and November. I love this because, it's the first thing I've found that feels really good and is a lot of fun. And I can just do it for me! All about the individual sports. I've been thinking lately that there is no better time than now to become who I want to be! Careful with that knee. Walking has the same effect. Meditative and rewarding!
      Love you lots and miss you!

  2. I feel inspired! Thanks, Jackie!
    I can't wait to settle down in Cali and start my regimen.

    1. Thanks! It's going to be so nice when you can get settled in to a routine!

  3. I am so, so proud of you. . . For running and for everyday!
    Love you,

  4. Okay, I'm inspired and motivated to run....right after I have this third baby. Hmmmm, it'll be November then...hopefully it's not a very cold winter! haha. Good for you Jackie, and I hope all is well :)

  5. congrats on this!! i switched from running to yoga about a year and a half ago, but i TOTALLY remember the pride in surprising oneself in a run. super happy for you :)
    also - i like reading your writing, because i can just picture how you'd say some of things you've written. makes me smile.
